Lake Weekend: Part 2
Picking up where we left off yesterday....After a fun night celebrating in downtown Hunstville we still managed to get up at a relatively decent hour. We popped some Sister Shubert rolls in the oven, threw on bathing suits and lathered on the SPF. After breakfast we hurried down to the boat-not wanting to waste a minute of the sunshine. We decided to go to "the cliffs" and 3 of us decided to tube all the way there. However it was more of a leisurely ride rather than an extreme tubing experience.
When we reached the cliffs I was feeling a little less fearless than I may appear in the above photo. I don't know what was more scary-climbing up slippery wet rocks or actually jumping off. I wore my life jacket which made for less cute pictures but a less paranoid me. There was a lower ledge to jump from but my thoughts were if I'm going to climb all the way up here, I'm going off the high one. Trust me it's a lot higher than it looks-the girl taking the pictures was quite a distance away. (Parents- aren't you glad I'm telling you about this after the fact?)
Later I got to water ski! I first learned to do this when I was about 9 or 10 and it's been quite a few years since I've done it, so I was pleased to learn that it came right back to me!

That evening, when the sun started to drop, we went for a boat ride to this bat cave. Basically when the sets, hundreds of thousands of bats flood out of the cave for their night time hunting. It was pretty cool and pretty creepy at the same time. I'm not the biggest fan of bats since my dad always said "they'll get in your hair and make you go crazy."
The ride there was the best part. Can't beat this view:
Or the company:
That night one of the girls made a yummy frittata and a salad and we ate outside around their fire pit. We also roasted marshmallows.
That night we just relaxed (I was definitely a little sore from skiing) and then we called it a night. Our flights out the next day were thankfully later in the afternoon so we had time for a little more sun. Enough time for me to get sunburned and soak in as much time with my friends as possible.
I hate saying goodbyes so it was more like a "see you soon." I definitely hit the jackpot in the friendship lottery! Every time I see these girls I can't believe how blessed I am to have such loving, fun, loyal friends in my life! Hopefully some of them can come stay with roomie and I in D.C later this summer. *Hint hint*
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