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there and back again

The kids and I are leaving England in just a few days.  T.J. will stay for a couple more weeks to finish up work and then we'll begin our next adventure together as a family in South Carolina. Over our last weekend we squeezed in one more cathedral and said goodbye to friends. We took a last frosty stroll counting sheep and keeping our eyes open for pheasant. We enjoyed one last Sunday roast.  There will be a last meal cooked in our borrowed kitchen, a last cappuccino or two at the cafe I love around the corner and dinners are booked at our favourite spots for our last nights in town. Suitcases are out and starting to be filled (overfilled). I'm stocking up on custard creams and chocolate digestives and my favourite sweets to bring back as well and boxes of the things we've accumulated that won't fit have been mailed on ahead.  This wild hare of an adventure that we started dreaming up in an apartment in South Korea 4 years ago is almost come and gone.  I worrie...

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